Employment Support

Through strategic planning sessions with employment training organisations, we provide referral support and awareness about training for accessible economic inclusion

Employment Support

Through strategic planning sessions with employment training organisations, we provide referral support and awareness about training for accessible economic inclusion


Co-ordination of collaboration between skills training & development and job readiness organisations empowering unemployed


Assist executive leadership with strategic development guidance to increase efficiency and scalability


Strengthen existing efforts through awareness and collaboration connections for sustainable impact
RealDeal is a registered distributor of fintech AddPay, offering easy to use payment solutions, including e-commerce, donations platform (recurring/once-off) to point of sale terminals. If you are a registered social enterprise or non-profit corporation (NPC) we can provide a discounted rate.

If you would like to know more or get involved, please send an email to info@realdeal.org.za

B-BBBEE Level 1 | PBO Registration: 930070262
Trust number IT618/2020